I'm thinin' 'bout comin'down for the cat fight in one of Spirit Air's flying suppositories. Spirit is only flying that route on Saturday and Sunday until December but the price is right at $250 out of FLL assuming I fly in my underware, sit in the lotus position and don't use the restroom. It arrives STT at 4:30 on Sunday. RTFF and Smith's both claim a 5:30 ferry out of CA on Sunday. Assuming one of them is running, Kevin should be able to get me to Blyden Terminal in time.

The return flight is at 5:20 Sunday Nov 1. The question is, is what is the probability of sobering up enough Sunday morning after the Cat Fight party to get to West End from Great Harbor in time for a noon ferry?

Last question, Anyone need an experienced afterguard for the Cat Fight?

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain