arink said:
We shopped at the Simply Market in Hope Estate, just a few minutes from our place in Grand Case. Great selection, and much cheaper than the Grande Marche.

I second Simply in Hope Estate. We often fall into the trap of referring to places without considering that not ereryone knows where things are. Hope Estate is on the main drag through Grand Case, at the end of the airport's main runway. If you go another 100 yards past Hope Estate, you'll be at the roundabout to Pinel/Anse Marcel/Orient Beach. Just ceck it out on Google Earth. If you go to Simply market, be prepared for a couple items of culture shock: if you buy a recyclable grocery bag, make sure the cashier initials it on the bottom. If not, you'll end up paying for it twice (as I did), or else explaining why you aren't a shoplifter. Also, be prepared for the best eggs and cheeses you've ever eaten (I travel with my own omelette pan and knives). Prices are on the high side but not unreasonable. For breakfast goodies, go to the bakery in Grand case that is just one block off the main drag, directly across from the Pirate's restaurant. Just park at Bistro Caraibes, and walk 1/2 block to your left off the main street. TTOL's Cruzer and Mrs. Cruzer walk down there every morning from GCBC, but that seems like too much work to me so I drive. I'll put maybe 100 km on our rental car over the six weeks of our visit. The rental guy loves us.