Don't feel too bad, Windy. We had been to the beach there several times over the years but long prior to this new restaurant opening, and we weren't aware, until we parked and started walking to the restaurant/beach area, that we could actually drive all the way through and park right there.

In the past we'd always schlepped ourselves and our belongings from the parking right at the guard house all the way out to the beach. Thankfully, my DH was kind enough to leave me and our assorted beach stuff at the restaurant parking area while he went out and brought the car in upon our calling it a day. He really is among the very best of the best!! : <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

Anyhow, now you know so do yourself a huge favor and try it next time there - pricey as lunch goes, but so very nice and worth the money and the drive. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat