LocalSailor - that was the original plan... but as General Patton said "No plan survives contact with the enemy."

Del Rey management changed hands two years ago. When we chartered the boat and bought plane tickets, CYOA's plan was still to put boats on the hard in Del Rey starting in August. They've done this for, lordy, probably 20 years or more. Del Rey changed that plan unilaterally on CYOA a month or two before we arrived. Sooooo.... we, having had bought plan tickets out of San Juan and planned the trip around that, still had to drop the boat in Del Rey. CYOA sent someone over to Del Ray to bring Big Papa Lulu back to St. Thomas on Monday, where she now rests safe and sound according to CYOA staff. I must say that I hated leaving a brand new $600,000+ boat at the dock without adult supervision, even though it was just for 36 hours.

So nothing was changed for us, but CYOA got the short-stick in this deal, and I feel bad for them. There was nothing we could really do though.