There was a large build-up yesterday on the north end of Orient Beach. A tractor with a landscape rake attachment is working in front of Mt Vernon as I write this. It did the middle part of the beach (Kon Tiki to Waikiki) earlier this morning. Palm Beach has been doing their own part of the beach on a regular basis but has not started yet today.
The saga continues.

I forgot to mention that there has been a crew of 5-6 men working in front of Mt Vernon the past 4 days with rakes, pitchforks, and wheelbarrows trying to keep up with the new accumulation each morning. They had it pretty well clean yesterday but it all came back last night.
The point is that significant effort is being made to address the problem and it would be much worse without all that is being done. There is no odor problem on Orient like there is at the Pinel Island ferry terminal in Cul de Sac.

Last edited by azranger; 10/30/2015 08:58 AM.