So sorry to hear this. It's so nice to see familiar faces in the islands when we visit.

This makes me think of a story...

I'm always curious about what brings people to the islands. There's always a story. Last August we got picked up by a taxi driver in St. Thomas at the CYOA dock to take us to the BWEB. He was a tall/thin pale-skinned Slavic looking guy with what sounded to me like a Russian accent. So I thought to strike up a conversation. I said it sure seemed like he wasn't native to the Caribbean, and might I ask where he was from. He said "Caribbean!" I almost choked. Really? I said that was interesting, and he didn't look all that local, so I asked him again. This time he said "Puerto Rico" is a clear Russian accent.

So at that point I figured he's probably hiding out from the Russian Mob, and I better stop asking questions!