Dear all,

I gave this a lot of thought before putting down these words.

There have been many references to a "Bomb Threat". There has never been such threat on SXM.

There was a bomb Scare, which is a very different matter.

A bomb threat is a situation inferred by intelligence and sources inside terrorist organisations that something is about to happen.

A bomb scare comes from a person informing of an attack. As stated before, it could even be a way of lengthening a vacation on the Island.

The more you post about Threats, the more you are helping terrorist organisations to reach their goal, wide spread irrational fear and panic.

Unless we all want to ruin the tourist season here, can't we call for a halt on the subject?

I lived in London during the IRA bombing campaigns. A bomb went off above a pub, as I picked my way over the smashed glass I asked a bobby who was on faction if the pub was open. He replied "Of course, why?"

I wish you all a great evening.