Ric wanted to slow things down so he sold to Tamara Rodriguez's mom and dad. Tragically, mom passed away soon after and Tam ran it for a while. She sold it to others and it became Bonita's Cantina, which went out of business about a year later. Ric and Kathy opened a mini golf course in Cole Bay which later became a Thai Restaurant, after Ric and Kathy returned to the US for medical reasons. No Americans or Canadians who live here ever stay when they have serious medical issues ... there is no facility that is equivalent to the best in North America, and most US health insurance covers nothing. (Check out SkyMed among TTOL sponsors.) Sadly, Ric passed away several years ago and was cremated. Kathy spread his ashes off Dawn Beach, one of his favorite places in the world.

Jeff Berger
Visiting SXM Since 1978