toothdoc said:
I just got off the phone with Venture Card. I have a chip in my Venture Card, and the powers that be emphatically said that Venture card holders do not have nor need PIN numbers. Has anyone else heard this?

For the US Market, there are two types of cards with chips. Most banks are issuing Chip and Sign cards (which goes agaisn't what the rest of the world uses). A few banks are issuing Chip and Pin cards, which is the standard outside the US.

The reasoning with Chip and Sign cards is most of the fraud commited with credit/debit cards is card cloning where someone has received your card number and makes their own card with your card information. The fraud committed with actual lost cards is very small compared with cloned cards. So they see no reason to issue Chip and Pin cards. When Chip and Pin rolled out in Canada a few years ago, banks saw transaction volume drop because they could not remember the pin for their new card. The banks lost money when they happened and the US banks do not want a repeat of that here.

Last edited by wilsonck; 11/29/2015 07:59 PM.