Looks like the first official warning has been handed over to Love Residence on Grand Case Beach. Link
The letter and article are in french so I will give a summarized translation.


It has been observed that you are occupying a portion of the public domain of the beach of Grand Case by the presence of tables, chairs, loungers, parasols or other equipment.

In accordance with articles 1 and 2 it is forbidden to occupy the public domain without authorisation.

In addition, the excutive council, assembled on November 17th decided on the prohibition of commercial occupation of the public domain.

To be precise, no (AOT) Temporary Occupation Authorisation will therefore be issued for this type of occupancy.

To correct the situation you are invited to remove your belongings from the public domain within one week from the reception of this letter.

If you do not comply you expose yourself to procedures regulated by laws R116.2, L116.2,R442.2 and L442.8


Today the tourist establishments get the first warnings:

The collectivity just transmitted a letter to the "Love Residence" establishment advising it of the irregularity of the situation for "public domain occupation withoiut authorisation". The collectivity specifies that no AOT will be issued to the establishment. A non-respect of this decision exposes the occupant to a fifth class fine of 1500 Euros.

The ban applies to tables, chairs, loungers, paralsos and also watersports.