We headed out relatively early this morning for the beach and restaurant at Anse Marcel, utilizing the causeway for a change of pace. It took us about forty-five minutes to get there, mostly because we kept taking the wrong turns every so often, but we got there and that was the main event. Well, actually, the road up and then down to the beach was the main event and our fairly new Nissan protested vociferously but we made it in and out.

I was quite surprised to see the increased number of chairs along the beach and how much closer they'd gotten along with all the new dining alcoves (new to me anyway, but perhaps I just didn't notice them in past visits....). After taking our lunch reservation and our drink order, we were shown to a nice front row location where the four of us could enjoy the view. Lots of gorgeous cats lying at anchor so I'm guessing everyone knows about this spot these days. And isn't there something completely decadent about a glass of cold wine in the hot sun while reclining on your beach lounger at eleven a.m.

At twelve thirty our waiter came to escort us to our table in one of those lovely alcoves. We didn't get too crazy over lunch selections though it would have been easy to do so - salad Nicoise w/seared tuna, and burgers, all of which were consumed eagerly. So very good.......

Back to our loungers for a few more hours of warm sun and periodic swims till we decided to call it a day around four. I was afraid we were going to hit all kinds of traffic but it was basically clear sailing all the way back to the Towers. We took the Galisbay route through the heart of the Marigot marketplace this time and it still took us about forty-five minutes coming through Sandy Ground.

Cocktails with our friends - I'd never had a banana colada before and it was lovely. Too full still from lunch and drinks so we decided to forego dinner and will probably call it an early night, too. Right after my DH has a big dish of Etna Rhum Raisin ice cream, that is. Rain squalls have been blowing through our area much of the evening so probably just as well we didn't head out anywhere tonight.

The breezes have been increasing with each day that passes so I'm guessing this might be the beginning of the Christmas winds I've so often heard about but never really experienced before. One good thing, though, is that all these rain squalls are creating one very green and beautiful island for those soon to come.

And before I forget, someone asked a while back if coolers were permitted at Anse Marcel Beach. There is a sign at the entrance to the beach restaurant very clearly stating coolers are NOT permitted, which makes sense considering the commitment they've made to this beach area and restaurant.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat