
I agree absolutely. I think over the course of our most recent two week stay, we enjoyed breakfast out only three times, and while we did do lunch out more often than at home, they weren't necessarily expensive lunches. Ribs at Rosies, burgers and salads at El Zafiro, and a couple of times we actually shared a huge burger and fries at the Towers pool bar. We had lunch in several times to atone for the crazy expensive nights we ate at a few of our more expensive favorites and we did a couple of very expensive beach lunches, foregoing dinner out those nights because we were still stuffed from lunch. We also have a few favorite and relatively inexpensive (at least by island standards....) dinner nights - Bavaria, and the Green Monkey steak nights.

We enjoyed many a bottle of wine on our balconies - far less costly when purchased at the usual places as opposed to purchasing at high end restaurants - but just as enjoyable and no worries about gendarmes and the like.

You really can cut the costs of dining if you want to and still have a most wonderful and enjoyable trip. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

You really



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat