mirrodie said:
Thx naked jaybird. Another thought...kid. Friendly French restaurant? While it can't be classy, I want to treat the kids to some fantastic French food, and that means breads and savory butter. Any leads to a good lunch spot with French food as well as good for kids?

Not sure why you can't take your kids to a classy restaurant, but try Dreams for the day or Anse Marcel Beach Club. My kids are now 23 and 16, both have visited yearly since they were in diapers and sometimes twice a year. Sure there were nights where they loved their Burger King, KFC, McDonalds or Subway. But we also took them out to nice places as well, Antiones, Piazza Pascal, le Moulin Fou, and so many that are long gone. Kids are just little people and teach them how to go out to dinner early sans video games etc they can last through dinner. We did go out to dinner early with them - prior to 6:00 which incase there was that "meltdown" we were gone prior to the places filling up. Also I know the Butterfly farm was mentioned, the zoo was always a fun stop, son loves tossing peanuts to the monkeys, and getting the empty shells hurled back at him!!! Kayaking at LeGalion would be a nice day as well. We tended to just hang at the beach all day with the kids, dinner early and then to bed!