Particularly from Miami there is a growing collection of business travelers. Many of those flights and other costs are paid by employers or third party clients. In many cases the absolute lowest cost of air, ferry/bus travel will not be the first priority. While many who type here find the ferry great sport and part of the adventure. There are far more travelers who will never consider the air, taxi, ferry, air combo. There is also the growing list of BVI regulars who will never risk the ferry dance again. When you consider many are spending $1,000 dollars or much more a day for their BVI time the cost of the flight is an ever shrinking percentage of the BVI holiday or business trip. If you sail with us and insist on the ferry we expect you to ferry in the day before and ferry out the day after you are scheduled to be off the boat. We are finished with the hassle of waiting for someone to get to the boat from STT and the stress of trying to help a guest make a doubtful and less than reliable ferry connection at the end of a great visit.