There are some very mean spirited people on this forum. Everytime something negative is said about "certain" business on this island, the powers that be rise up. I do not know if the original poster was accurate or not, but to rely on the DH as your defense argument source is disingenuous. How many time over the years have the same people suggested the DH was not credible when their ox was being gored?

We have eaten at both places over the years and have never been under any illusions about the sanitation of the establishments or the island. You do not have to be a genius to figure out standards and enforcement are different than other places.

I agree with foreversxm. Fix the problem, if one exists, and move on.

As far as kicking other people when they are down, it seems to me some on this board just like kicking posters and will not stop until they get the last word.

Randy Bennett
Raleigh, NC