Early morning entertainment on Orient Beach. We arrived at our usual time of 8 a.m. and took the first two Club O chairs near the "no Photos" sign. Peros had not yet set up their chairs, so when a couple arrived and put down their blanket where I knew chairs usually are placed, in my limited French I informed them that they would probably be asked to move. They insisted "plage public"!!
When the chair guy from Pedros arrived, he quietly asked them to move as he needed to put out chairs. They "exploded" in anger, and a loud violent scene ensued with yelling, shouting, pushing, shoving and THROWING of chairs. With threats of calling the police they gathered their belongings and left. Pretty scary scene!!! <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Yikes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Yikes.gif" alt="" />