On the Dutch side there's a medical center in Belair.
Off GA Arnell Blvd. Coming from Simpson Bay at Welfare Rd round-about go right, then up hill towards P'Burg. AJC Browerd Rd. At next round-about bear first right off rotary GA Arnell Blvd. At 3rd rotary 3/4 around bear right. You'll see it on your left side.

On French side: Fleming Hospital in Concordia. Tel # 0590 90 1313.
Thru Marigot right turn onto Rue de Concordia. You see a sign to Concordia. Follow hospital signs.

Hubby has used the Dutch facility emergency room and found it to be adequate but you pay cash. It cost us $50. Then at home we filed a claim with our health care (not all will cover). He was given 2 scripts which we filled at the facilities pharmacy at a cost of $3 . He was very satisfied with the treatment he received. But some have said they don't like the place.

We were told that at the French hospital it's mandatory you hire a translator (even though I bet they speak English.)

Good luck. Hope you're better soon.
