Nick is awesome but just for FYI, sometimes his emails get might lost in other staff's spam file (at that was what happens to us in early Mar). So Catharina (Gen Mgr) there asked to make sure she's contacted via CC or direct (, 284-346-5238) for dinner or Michael Beans, Jumbies show reservations. She is a super lady (as all the staff there seem to be) and found eventually our email to Nick and made things happen to got us up front for Beans Happy AARRRRGGH. Don't know if TTOL slip special is still $25 or is now $35 (is what dock charged us after mentioning Nick and TTOL, so don't know if word got to them or not). It was rocking and rolling with 20+kt and swells the afternoon we landed there and dock staff was great shepherding us Med moor style back into the skip.
Haven't met the missus but Nick is a fine fellow.