But still looking for input on route. Captain Mark on Orion was kind enough to put together this float plan for me:

Day 1 - Peter (Great Harbour)
Day 2 - Marina Cay/Trellis (thoughts on which is better for us?)
Day 3 - morning stop at The Baths then on to North Sound
Day 4 - Long sail over to JVD. Stop by Foxy's Taboo, then overnight in Great Harbour
Day 5 - Possible morning in White Bay then sail to Norman/Willy T
Day 6 - back to base

My only thought is it would be nice to get 2 nights in North Sound or JVD OR split up day 4. We could skip Peter and move everything up a day and build in a flex day.

What does TTOL think?

We are booked and fully provisioned through Footloose. 8 people, 5 nights on a 4600 in mid June. Staying at the Mariner Inn the night before boarding.

Wheels up in 81 days!