Tom and Salica, thank you for your helpful replies. We have done what I would consider whirlwind trips in Spain, Germany and Greece and each time we left I thought I'd just like to live there for awhile and experience it rather than just see the main attractions. I want to go to markets, cook with local produce, enjoy the cafes without worrying if I sit too long I'll miss something. We had thought of Oct/Nov as we are having a renovation that we would like to be out the house for and manage from afar (with the assistance of a trusted friend/designer). The tip on the parking is very important. And yes, I love staying in the city - to me a weekend at the cottage is absolute torture. So that is how we came around to thinking about a month in Malta at that time of year. You've given me lots to think about and research. September does sound ideal, maybe we can wiggle our timeline around a bit.
Thank you both, nothing like hearing from someone who's been there. Trish