I am going to put my two cents in here. We CYOA now have or will have by the start of next season 11 boats with water makers. I have personally installed several of them and over see the maintenance of all of them.

For the purists that want a simple boat, an oil lamp and an ice box you can skip what I am about to say.

Water makers are the new air conditioning. Remember the first time you rented a boat with a generator and air conditioning? Everyone of our repeat customers that have been on board a boat with one want their next charter to have one.

No more docking unless you want to. No more itinerary based on where can we get water. These boats transform the Spanish Virgin Islands experience. Cruise with the knowledge that you have the water and in most cases the ice maker on board.

Other benefits no more smelly heads. We use fresh water flush on our water maker equipped boats. Less maintenance for the boat owners and a better experience for everyone. Oh yeah and you can take showers as well. Real showers. You are on a luxury boat you shouldn't have to go to bed smelling like your camping. Your spouse will thank you for that one.

As for the comment above about the source of that water and the quality of it. All of our water maker equipped boats also have a drinking water standard filter system on the whole boat that includes a UV light. No more plastic trash to get rid of. As well as drinking water at every tap in the boat. The water coming out of these units is better than your tap water at home.

For a boat owner the reduced number of times that their boat comes in contact with a hard dock over five years and the wear and tear associated with that is likely worth the initial capital costs. Add to that the value of the water maker at resell time. Or the value as you cruise into the sunset post charter of having a critical piece of cruising gear already aboard and it becomes a no brainer.


Last edited by CaptainJay; 04/20/2016 07:43 PM.