And the first of the morning (very good) news is I actually see sun reflecting off Mullet Pond and streaming onto our balcony and into the living room. YAY!! And the other side of that coin is if it manages to stay with us and prove the weather forecasters wrong yet again, it's going to be a hot, hot, hot kind of day since there's not too much breeze out there so far. Some people are just never satisfied!

It's 8:05 and the early AA flight just roared down the runway and up into the clouds. I love the view from our main balcony......

Coffee done and I'm thinking we're heading off to El Zafira for breakfast and hopefully some beach time......

Hours later - We had such a very nice day there.....breakfast with mimosas and plenty of time on the beach and then for dessert (or lunch?) we had BBCs. A total treat and a lovely day and then home to our home away from home.

And as I'm sitting here on my balcony watching the golfers and enjoying the breezes, I'm thinking I really don't feel like going out to eat tonight so perhaps we'll dine here alfresco and finish up some leftovers in the fridge. Lord knows, there's plenty there......

Tonight is supposed to be a full moon, but sadly, there's such a heavy cloud cover, we can't see it at all from our vantage point.

And so, tomorrow, perhaps an instant replay of today but without the dinner on our balcony since we're joining friends for an evening out.

Oh, and Saba? She be gone again!



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat