All great information, thank you. We did the sail from Marina Cay to JVD and it was the best sailing day we had. Great to hear no forewarnings on traveling the North side of GC and Guana.

The main thing was trying to figure which two days to carve out to reserve a dock at Leverick. CCW could put us there on Friday but I hear that Michael Beans will be signing off for the season in early May. Will look into North Beach and Full Moon, not familiar but will research as options. We definitely have flexibility in the schedule as all of it is fun. We actually want to hit less locations this time and explore and relax at our favorites a little more.

Like the idea of letting the weather help make the decision once arrived. Appreciate the input!

Tony, yes very familiar with Pine Brook, been here awhile. Looks like you may have traded up a bit! Cheers!

Play Time is the Best Time