Today's the day......we'll be sleeping in our own bed tonight and at least one of us thinks that's a good thing.

Another cloudy and overcast morning not worthy of a photo but I will say, the sky colors around five a.m. were very pretty - soft pinks and purples amid the puffy white corkscrew-like clouds. But for now, the sun is up there somewhere trying to break through, I'm sure.

It's been my pleasure having everyone along and sharing our trip with such pleasant travel companions. Nothing too exciting, I know, and perhaps much not of particular relevance to most, but I hope somewhere along the way I managed to evoke a memory or raise a smile or two for a few of you. And now, as I lean toward closing my iPad for the next few hours, I hope those of you soon come will pay it forward and share your future trips as they happen. I know it's going to be a long drought for us and reading others' adventures will certainly help pave our way to next April.

And so it begins - departure day. Wonder what lays in store over the next few hours. Time will tell.......



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat