And here I sit, 5:30 am and already out on our balcony and watching my first cruise ship of the day sail by. It's a Carnival and looks like a biggie but from here I can't make out the name.

Our kidlets will start to arrive today. What lucky parents we are.......

The clouds are the big puffy ones - the kind that would remind me of cotton candy if only they were pink - and this morning we have gentle breezes still blowing throughout the apartment. The birds are chirping a verse of what I think must be their own Hallelujah Chorus and the water out on Mullet pond couldn't be any smoother. And the sun! That glorious feeling of it pouring down on your shoulders - I don't think there's anything that compares. This is a very good place to be in at this moment in time. And there's not one dog out there barking. Yet!!

All showered and dressed and so we wait. And of course, don't you know, the Delta JFK flight was late today. But daughter number one (who in the pecking order is really number 2......) arrived all safe and sound and after stowing her bag at the Towers, we headed off to El Zafiro for a late lunch. Two shrimp Caesars and one Greek salad and all were delicious as were the fruit punches. The owner, Nicole, was there and made our day by bringing the lovely little Bella out for a meet and greet.

We took Karen for a little mini tour since it's been seven or eight years since she was last here, and then she and her Dad walked across the golf course and out to Mullet Beach to take a few photos and selfies. Poor girl was exhausted and as if getting up at 3am wasn't bad enough, her Delta n/s out of JFK was delayed and had to take an inland route most of the way, delaying their arrival even more. But things could always be worse - they could have cancelled the flight completely.

Our very late lunch allowed us to snack for dinner and I'm sure a good nights sleep will be the first order of the evening.

And it was!!



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat