Sorry for the delay, I had hoped to post this prior to leaving Tenerife, but couldn’t get on the internet.
Days 1 & 2 Nov. 23 & 24
Caribbean Bound!
It was a long day (s) of travel about 26 hours from the front door to arriving in Tenerife. I took Jet Blue to JFK and then air Berlin with a layover in Dusseldorf, Germany. Flights were uneventful and Air Berlin even served dinner, breakfast and lunch. I took the bus from the airport to Santa Cruz, where Seventh Heaven is berthed. This side of the island is very rocky, with much low lying vegetation and scrub brush. There were many natural caves amid the hills, and it looked like some had been converted into rudimentary housing. Anne and Paul met me at the bus terminal and we walked a bit to a street with many bars and restaurants, some of which had full legs of Serrano Ham hanging from the rafters, hoofs still attached so the breed could be determined. We stopped off at a couple places for drinks, and then had a nice dinner; the famous Iberian pork was featured on the menu and I choose the pork jowls served over mashed potato. After dinner we took a taxi back to the boat, along the sea wall of the marina were some of the murals that departing sailors paint for good luck on their journeys. After a quick review on how to use the head it was off to bed for some much needed sleep. We will be setting off in the morning, with anticipated arrival in Sint Maarten in about 19 days.
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Hams curing from the rafters

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The famous seawall murals in Tenerife

Drink all day at home, your friends worry about you; do it on vacation and they say "what a good time you're having". Save your friends needless worry, travel more!