Ok World Travelers we cannot travel... And that Sucks.
So let us share a picture and take a trip virtually. I am posting the first picture. If you guess where it is you get to post the next picture. Only one picture at a time.
So the first one is for all you sailors... Make your guess and I will respond yeah or nay! And if hints are need I will add when appropriate
What port are are these beautiful channel markers located?
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Sorry never learned to post pic on this forum, but yes I have sailed into the port and all over the Aegean and Adriatic, Med before coming to the Caribbean so someone else please post a picture while I figure it out, thanks.
Totally understand sleepychef on the pics. Carol probably knows exactly where it is, but Beerman did a great post on how to upload pictures. We would love to see some pics of your adventures.
Ok travelers The game is open! First person to post has the thread. Remember one picture at a time Anywhere in the World! It must be your picture And we usually wait 24 hours before giving hints.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
This is an oldie, out in front of a restaurant in the NE. I will provide hints and yes I am in the photo. Extra points if yo can guess which one I am..
TravelHat, is it the old hotel in Martha's Vineyard? Oh and I see Ron Silverman in the back there, off of the show, Parks and Recreation. Lol, but it looks a lot like him.
Your right Tom, it is on SXM, so I guess that counts! I really can’t believe folks didn’t get this sooner. It was taken sitting at BUGBYS looking out across Dawn Beach.
We have been to SXM 5 or 6 times since 1995, but to Dawn Beach only once. That was in 2002 You are generous to give it to me... Let me take a second to get the next one up
BTW - TravelHat that was my second choice - First choice was the guy on the far left
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
If you deciphered the number above you know the year.
The color of the edifice matters. It is associated with family or should I say dynasty. Today when you visit that country and see that color you know someone of importance lived there. It is even the the color on the Brazilian Flag
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
We just had a wonderful dinner with wine from Bandol, visited some friends for some BS time (social distancing of course) and wonderful Friday Evening. I am a little slow in response.
The yellow color is Schönbrunner Gelb or some may say it the yellow of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy. Which is also the same yellow of the Papal State and the yellow on the Brazil flag.
The Gloriette as you identified sits a top a hill overlooking Vienna (Wien) The roof is flat and offers a great view of the city or over the forest in the other direction The ladies, back in the day, waited their for the emperor and his party to return from hunting for lunch in the Gloriette. Stunning views from the roof.
SXMFOX it is your call - but you deserve to post the next photo. If you do not by 1400 EST the board is open.
If you have not been to Vienna - Here is a view of the city and the Schönbrunner Palace from the roof of the Gloriette.
As my father would say... Those are adequate quarters!
Last edited by TomB; 07/17/202010:04 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
There use to be a Current Events page 15 years ago on TTOL where we would a discuss things happening around us. Carol had to shut it down because it got way too personal.
TravelHat - would love for you to post something that is not going to piss off half the membership and make the other half go yeee hah....
The Pineapple Fountain in Charleston would be much more along the lines of the game... Plus it does not have the city name on the front of it.
You got any other pics?
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
If it is engineering then, I would say it was one of the military academies I have been to Annapolis many times and I can say it is not the Naval Academy So how about West Point?
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Ah St Peter, Portovenere! When this covid bs goes away we are very interested in going back to Italy! But our Iceland memories are popping up....so which will be first?!!!
Tom--Yeah, I have had several medical issues in recent years, making travel where there is a lot of walking, pretty difficult. I would love to go to Europe when all this crap is over, but I kind of doubt it will happen.
Totally understand - I was not aware of medical issues.
Although one of the best ways is find a great street cafe and watch Europe go by. I can sit for hours along a canal in Amsterdam, or even better rent a canal boat (VRBO) and sit on the roof. Tapas in Andalucía at beach side bar staring at the Med and Gibraltar in the distance with a bottle of wine is hard to beat and as you have seen in Beerman's and my pictures in the past... A balcony in the Cinque Terre will create a lifetime memory.
So many rush to the museums, Cathedrals, and tourist attractions that they miss Europe.
I remember when I first got on this board everyone always talked about "Sand Gravity" in SXM You can do the same in Europe!
Ahh but at last... for now we have the "germ" and are not welcomed
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Carol, have you been to Europe? You have enjoyed cruises before...they have some tempting ones even for this guy who has never been on one! It would have to be a relatively small one though!!!!
The Needles, Isle of Wight, UK. Sailed past them many times but never with the sea looking that calm!
On the previous photo, I came up with most of the places suggested with the help of Google but I rejected them all because of the Olympic rings on the road sign. I couldn't come up with any place with an association with the Olympics. Anyone know why this town has the Olympic symbol on a road sign?
I'll come up with a photo but I might be a bit limited as I'm not at home with my backups.
Just to make it official... You are correct with the Needles
The Needles is where a young 23 year old Guglieimo Marconi set up the first radio transmission station in 1898. His invention based on Hertz electromagnetic wave theory from a decade earlier, brought wireless communication into the 20th Century.
Over and Out
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Correct. I thought it might take little longer but as soon as I put where a french general spent his last days it came straight up.
St Helena was amazing. When we were there, 2011, there was no airport and no proper harbour. Those lines hanging down from the frame are what you had to grab hold of to get ashore in anything other than dead calm conditions!
Since then they've built what is often described as the world's most useless airport. Not planned properly and the most common approach direction suffers from severe wind shear regularly which results in flights being cancelled for days at a time.
I actually saw a travel show a few months back including St Helena, I believe the host jumped on a cargo or mail ship to get there? Interesting exile for Napoleon
I actually saw a travel show a few months back including St Helena, I believe the host jumped on a cargo or mail ship to get there? Interesting exile for Napoleon
RMS (Royal Mail Ship) St Helena. Did/Does a once a month round trip from Cape Town.
I was going to guess Devil's island with Dreyfus but was not sure Devil's Island was in the Atlantic. Living by phone at daughter house. I am now a poppa for the 4th time mom and baby doing well!
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
I wasn't sure about that. I know Antibes has a wall like that but I suspect another 20 places in the Med probably have something similar. Now I've got to find another picture!
I thought you were psyching me out, with something too easy!
I have to say, not sure whether I can post a picture up next because most everything I have is St. Maarten/St. Martin. Will look for something tomorrow. All my pics from Europe are way pre-digital..
Guadeloupe is a beautiful island(s) It is in the shape of a butterfly, and they call them the blue and green Islands. Technically it is two islands.
Some say the best food in the Caribbean. We had some mighty fine meals when we were there. Classic French, Indian, and Caribe all marry to a cuisine that is absolutely amazing.
We stayed on the blue side but hiked the green side extensively.
Would love to return.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
... ok I have to come clean - I am big fan of Death in Paradise filmed on island of Guadeloupe. The story takes place on a fictional island off the coast of Guadeloupe. If you have not seen it the first 5 or 6 seasons are on Netflix PBS just finished season 9
No judging!
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Very interesting story also from there is to google the tie to Smoke on the Water. When we went and my husband figured out we were in the same hotel as Deep Purple and then of course we went to Funky Claude's bar.
I think we should set the rule that Google is allowed after 18 hours after the original post time and no correct guesses have been received
So I say tomorrow at 1000 EST (1400 UTC) Google answers accepted. Of course we are on the honor system Is that fair?
That should give plenty of time for those who have seen it and not a chance to guess. You know Travel Hat the night lurkers. What the heck we will make up the rules as we go.... I just hope I get another one right - I got a great idea!
Hope you guys read the back story... Pretty powerful!
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Good Guess, but that is not the correct city. Einstein was born in the city Ulm, Germany. Ulm is the home of the tallest church in Europe... or the world... I cannot remember, but I do remember walking to the top. And I am scared to death of heights! But that is another story. Attached a funny statue that is in the square close to his house and a brick marking his birthplace in Ulm.
Hint: The city where the stain glass resides is where US Army had their HQ following WWII (USAEUR). About ten years ago they moved it from this historic German city.
Last edited by TomB; 07/28/202007:08 AM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
The stain glass in located in the Church of the Holy Spirit Heidelberg, Germany. A beautiful place to visit at Christmas time.
It is known as the "Physics" window - Johannes Schreiter, the artist, added these 4 elements layered in red highlights:
1. The date the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima is inserted (August 6, 1945)
2. The equation developed by the German scientist (Alfred Einstein) that made the atom bomb possible.
And two scripture verses: 3. Peter 3:10 "the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up"
4. Isaiah 54:10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken"
The artist had been commissioned to replace all the windows that had been blown out by allied bombing, but the church leadership said it was too radical and re-competed the task.
Where to now?
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
You are up you guessed the city where the stain glass resides. The picture is of the Church of the Holy Spirit Heidelberg, Germany where the window is installed.
I took at Christmas time when we were on Christmas Market River Cruise a few years ago.
So it is your turn to post a picture
Last edited by TomB; 07/28/202010:07 AM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Blue Buildings... I kept asking myself Blue Buildings I know I have seen them... But when you zoom in on the uniforms were the clue! Wow that is a longgggggggggggg way from Lake Norman
The DMZ crossing in Korea?
As reported on the news not soooo long ago, even thought it seems like a lifetime. I guess simpler put - Pre-COVID.
Since we have BC (BCE) AD (CE) Do you think we may establish PC - Pre-COVID Me I am looking forward to AC - After COVID
Last edited by TomB; 07/28/202003:19 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Wow, I thought that one would last a bit longer. Yes it was a mighy long airplane ride. We took our teenaged adopted son back to see Korea and we loved it. Have the say the DMZ was a bit scary. Lots of rules.
Pictures of the North Koreans looking at us looking at them. Me inside the blue buildings with the very intense military, the bridge of no return, and no trip is complete without looking for mine signs.
So cool that you would make that journey! I think I would be fairly uncomfortable at the DMZ. I cannot believe the border guard allowed you pose with him.
Thanks for sharing the extra photos and the background stories.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
So the next one on the hit parade, I call attention to detail. Many travelers have seen this shot... but did they notice? Country, City, Place on this one please.
Last edited by TomB; 07/28/202003:59 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
I have never been to St Croix for a visit. Landed there frequently in USCG Helo in the 70s. My wife has been a couple times and has almost the exact same photo.
It is the old Rhum factory... I think
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés