While I was making some plans and reservations for the upcoming trip to our wee slice of Paradise, I came across a couple of new to us restaurants in Orient Village, Peau de Vache (Cow-Hide, cute name) and Peter Mc Cool. I think we saw Peter Mc Cool last trip but it was pretty new and we already had our set schedule.
we have tried Peau de Vache twice first time was with our big group during the Christmas break. we had 13 total and everyone enjoyed their meal. Second time was 2 weeks ago with a smaller group and everyone liked their dinner also. this restaurant took over the front part of Peter Mc Cools with the Irish Pub in the rear bar.
Oh just saw Downeaster's trip report review of Peter Mc Cool. Blech. The bathrooms situation alone is not okay. I don't ask for much but a working sink to wash your hands after using "the necessary" is well... necessary.