Some pure speculation. Once the hotel is built, perhaps it will make SXM an ''asian-friendly'' island, and the million includes people staying at other hotels as well, plus ''asian-friendly'' cruises. Chinese, who still prefer their kids to marry other Chinese, have what they call Love Boat cruises, where singles are encouraged to meet for prospective marriage. The Caribbean is perfect for that. And other Asians, Japanese, are likely to follow. So the numbers seem high, but with overflow to other hotels, and specialty cruises, the number may be high, but not unrealistic. Especially with other Chinese projects on other islands to include on cruise stops. Again, purely speculation, and a few Asian friends who told me about the Love Boat thing. Picture two or more cruise ships of 6K passengers on days--all Asian tourists--using the hotel pool and amenities. Like Atlantis in the Bahamas brings in cruise people on day-passes.