I don't recall how much the BBQ at Elm cost, but it is reasonable and the music is fantastic. Friday night BBQ at the Elm, then over to Quito's for music and dancing. Makes for a fun night.

We also bring a cooler of meals with us each year. We check this cooler like a piece of luggage. This allows us to prepare meals ahead of time, makes for no fuss meals on the boat.

We bring frozen meat for the grill; marinated, seasoned and ready to put on the grill.

I also bring prepared taco meat, we have taco's one night, the leftovers are good for taco salad, nachos, or more tacos

We have also brought homemade spaghetti sauce with meatballs. Quick meal, just heat up the sauce and boil the noodles. Great for a rainy night, or any time.


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