It's that time again, folks! Our annual March get together will take place at The Greenhouse in Simpson Bay on Wednesday, March 8th. The Greenhouse is located between The Atrium and Buccaneer Beach Bar on Billy Folly Road.

Start time is usually in the 5:30-6PM range. There is a 5PM bridge opening if you're coming from the airport/Maho area - travel accordingly. Feel free to stay for dinner if you like, or stop by for a drink or two if you have other dinner plans. It's a very casual get together - you can come and go as you please. TTOL get together newbies are definitely welcome! This is how most of us met many years ago, and our friendship has continued on social media and meet ups in home towns, etc. Try it, you'll like it! <img src="" alt="" />

I checked The Greenhouse menu, and they have their usual Happy Hour from 4:30-7PM - Two For One drinks, and reduced price appetizers. It also says Two For One drinks from 11am-7PM at the Simpson Bay location, so hey - party down if you want to make a day of it <img src="" alt="" /> The ever popular Bang Bang Shrimp is $6.99 all day on Wednesday as well.

Please sign up with how many in your party and their names for name tag purposes. Looking forward to seeing our awesome March crew again, and meeting new folks as well! Can't wait <img src="" alt="" />