On our last two barebt charter trips we did the Baths by boat from a park mooring ball, and then on to VG North Sound to BEYC or Saba Rock in the afternoon for overnight.. But after reading posts on the "Mooring ball or slip at Leverick Bay" thread, for our June '17 trip I am thinking of getting to LB at a slip in the morning early and spending the whole day/night there. I have already been in touch with Nick by email. My question is about logistics of getting to the Baths by car and enjoyment of that vs from the boat, as well as other stuff to see while onshore there. On our prior trips we have been so enamored with the snorkeling and short close shoreside walking visits at various places that we have not ventured out by car or taxi, as we enjoy being just on the boat. Just looking to broaden my horizon and welcome your suggestions.