Started normally yesterday- for my other half
Ferry to Charlotte - taxi to airport
Check in early because of days of flight cancellations
Then it began....
Flight delay - pilot unhappy with aircraft condition
Something about flaps - "not good"
Ground crew on site, trying to repair the issue - no luck
... and this is where it starts getting bizarre...
One of the passengers said he is an aircraft mechanic - offers to help with repairs
Gives him a vest, and he's repairing the flap on the wing...
Not joking... George - feel free to weigh in and laugh
All I had to say - Make sure that passenger gets back on the plane for the flight

Problem fixed - but - crew now out of hours - so, flight cancelled
I get a call - book me a hotel....
First try - $560/nite.. huh?.. second try... $ way
Third and last try - over $1000.. well- it's party time - in the terminal
Kudos to the airline - they caused the price hike by taking up every room on-island...and rooms were doled out, so, hopefully all worked out for all
And, as I type - today, the flight is airborne - whew...
Another day in the life...