I think we can probably agree that fishing licenses in the BVI is all about the money. Given this it's hard to understand how the current regulation helps the BVI govt earn revenue. I can only think of two possible scenarios - either they're just out to lunch or fines are a higher revenue source than the licenses.

As a boat owner I would gladly jump through a couple of hoops and pay a couple hundred dollars to license the boat. Then any charter guest I had could pay for their personal license to be legal. I think most people want to be legal and will pay whatever reasonable fee is necessary.

Seems what is needed is a "charter boat" fishing license, i.e., a license for a boat in charter service. And make that some reasonable fee and cut all the BS concerning letters, photos, documentation of catch, size/make of engines, etc. etc. which a "real" fishing boat evidently has to abide by. Seems this would make everyone happy - the govt would have higher revenue and the charter guests could do a little fishing - for a fee - off the back of the boat. If it was a reasonable fee/process to license the boat I would guess the entire charter fleet would all get the annual license - competition is good that way. That's a bunch of boats and a non-trivial amount of money. Couple this with the ability for the charter companies to sell a fishing license at time of charter and you've removed the barriers entirely. For a cash strapped govt you would think someone would figure it out.

Life's short - sail more!