True, but as you are a veteran visitor on the island, please honestly tell me if you think the restaurant biz is the same in SXM as the USA runs it's?...Island business ethics are a thing.

I should add that i was referring to the "big difference" comment on Exec. Chef, which would actually be Dino to be correct. then a "head" or Managing Chef which you are referring to. Then it would be Sous, (in which I believe Dino has more than one Sous chef) then a pastry chef and so on... I do believe that Dino did make a statement wishing him well on his new venture so that seems to be a non issue.

And I bet you that the OP was told by Das that he was "A" Chef as opposed to a Sous chef, it's common on this island to be general in a way when speaking of your skills.

Last edited by SXMDeepBleu; 05/30/2017 05:29 PM.