My question is if we use ONLY carry on luggage with no checked bags, is this doable?

My initial response is NO!. It may be doable IF you are the only arriving international flight on the ground at that time. I have arrived before where we sat on the plane waiting on a gate. I have sat at the gate for 30 minutes or more waiting on the immigration area to clear to accept more passengers and then about 90 minutes (or more) to get through. CLT had a staffing problem and I have no idea if it has been resolved. It has been 2 trips since I connected via CLT but I would be very uncomfortable with 70 minutes. Luggage usually is not the problem, is is the number of people waiting to clear and the lack of staffing.

IMHO, the ONLY way that works is IF all of the stars, the moon, AA and US C & I line up perfectly.

Good luck.
