I only recently learned to post photos. The method I use is to upload to photobucket.com. Photobucket provides code that you can insert into your trip report. I created a word doc than copy and pasted the entire thing into ttol.

Here is the doc I created. It shows the proper code. The first line of code was corrected for me by Eric after a failed attempt. I then just copied the format. Note the [IMG ] part of the code--in the code below there are spaces. If you remove the space the photo will post. I left the space so that you could see how the code looks, which is exactly what Eric did for me. Also, note that photobucket provides the code after uploading. Here is the link to the old post so you can see what it looked like when I left the space out. http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/s...e=6#Post1736803

[IMG ]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/0BF4C8E5-2B5E-47E6-873E-5A9ACED5A085_zps7szkbj5h.jpg[ /IMG]

Me at Rosemary’s in Marigot. Didn’t get a photo of the food. I was too busy eating it. Awesome Oxtail.
[IMG ]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/IMG_4314_zpshp8psj3f.jpg[ /IMG]

Peaches on the balcony at StudioSxm.
[IMG ]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/IMG_0685_zpsryjj4uzt.jpg[ /IMG]

Buche de Noel (ice cream cake version) We were there for Christmas.
[IMG ]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/97120755-E130-44DB-8C73-44212BB57EE9_zpsr8sutlig.jpg[ /IMG]

Mussels at Orange Fever (Please ignore the lack of Muscles in the background). They get them fresh every Thursday and Friday.
[ IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/1459F4C8-FF73-40A4-9FA2-27A331BD02B4_zps0cdu1sz3.jpg[/IMG ]

Friendly Yellow Dog at Yellow Sub
[ IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/4A64F7C4-D151-4B3A-92FD-53EA3A2D573C_zpsgfikh3wd.jpg[/IMG ]

Me enjoying the hills at Mt.Vernon
[ IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d8/sxmblue/IMG_4331_zpsxckznib5.jpg[/IMG ]