vetteguy--The Tango is not really what I'd call a 'small boat'. It's a huge cat that holds a lot of people--60 maybe?? Not sure. If you're concerned about seasickness, take some Dramamine or similar, before the trip and DON'T drink, except maybe soda. They make the rum punch VERY strong. I never drink the rum punch.

As far as getting the camera wet, the best place to take pictures on Tango is to be at the back, or sometimes on the side. Usually the back is the best place to be. There, there is ZERO chance of getting the camera wet. I figured that out on my first trip on the boat, when I saw the two semi pro photogs hanging out there. I personally never got my camera wet. The biggest issue I have had was trying to change a lens when it was really rough. Normally, you're close enough on Tango to not need the long lens. Like I said, I can't recommend Tango enough, as Haresh knows what's he doing. It's kind of an art, to get close to the action, but not interfere.

I've been on 3 or 4 boat trips, can't remember, and as JD said, sometimes it's very rough and sometimes it is flat as a fritter. The very BEST pictures I've taken have been when it's really rough. That time I saw one person get sick, but she was a kind of lightweight drinker. laugh She was one of our group, so I know. grin

As I said, I'm surprised they still have room. If you want on a spectator boat, you need to book it NOW.

Carol Hill