Spent 2 hurricane seasons in Grenada while cruising the eastern Caribbean 2012 &13. A couple of our favorites:
Upscale - The Cave, also known as the hobbit house. Upscale above Prickly Bay
Cruiser Hangout: The Tiki Bar at Prickly Bay Marina, pizza night was fun with live music bandstand
Wisper Cove great setting in Woburn, excellent food, Meet and Meat market with fresh veg and butcher run by Gil and Marie, French Canadian flavor.
There is also the West Indies Beer Company in L'anse Aux Epines for a brew pub that had an open mike night for cruisers.
If your classes are with LTD based at Secret Harbor you can track down George (Survival Anchorage) and he can get you most anywhere you want to go. If time allows, the local bus and some walking can get you most places (with maybe 1 transfer)
Cheers and enjoy. We loved Grenada.

Last edited by NODEE; 03/15/2018 11:29 AM. Reason: typos