Re: Puerto Rican Navy. 2 things. In the past, pre Irma/Maria it has been crowded, but this has not been a real problem. Not sure about this year. I think there is some sort of destination anchorage each night. regardless, most boats are gone early in the morning. In the afternoon and early evening there is a lot of wonderful music, but really, as the sun goes down, so does the noise level. And their boating skills are far better than the average charterer's.

And now for #2 After the BVI was devastated by Irma, some of the very first responders were from Puerto Rico, in private boats bringing in water, food and baby supplies. This was I think on the first day after Irma left. this continued until Maria hit both BVI and Puerto Rico. So, if the Puerto Rican navy does show up, I would suggest going over and offering to buy them dinner!