Just returned from my fifth Post Irma trip to the Islands. The previous four trips have been mostly working on our boat which is based at Penn’s Landing, Fat Hogs Bay. This trip my wife and I spent away from the dock. I am impressed with the progress thus far. There is much work to be done but there is also much that the folks have achieved. The folks at Penn’s have worked their butt’s off and the Marina looks great and may even be better then before Irma. Fat Hogs Bay goes unnoticed by many. Prior to moving our boat there I never stopped there now I look back and question myself why not. There is a Riteway there with a place to tie up your dinghy and the store is stocked very well. There are three restaurants there as well. A laundromat there where Pro Valor was located. The Restaurant there at Penn’s, Red Rocks is very good. Penn’s has some slips and a good many mooring Balls.

Our first stop was a short hop over to Cooper. Folks there have done great. The areas where there was a great deal of vegetation are starting to grow back but we loved how open it felt there now. My only concern with Cooper was that I sure wish folks would shorten their bridles as boats have a tendency to swing different direction. One would think that it would be common sense.

From Cooper we headed up to North Sound. The folks at Levrick have done great things getting up and going there. My hat is off to Nick and the gang. While there we rented a car from L&S and toured the Island a bit. Top of the Baths is always a favorite of ours and they did not let us down. Such a beautiful spot. Driving around the Island it is clear that there is still a great deal to do but it’s heading the right way. Perhaps it was stupid but we elected to take our dinghy for a run around North Sound. It was a beautiful day so it worked out fine. Seeing the Bitter End and Saba up close tells you it will be awhile. In our thirty five years of visiting North Sound it has always been a favorite. I have high hopes it will return stronger than ever but it will take time and a great deal of investments.

While at Levrick we did get up to Hog Heaven. Not much I can say there except Fantastic. Great job rebuilding. As with every place we stopped at I could sense the amount of work these folks have done and the struggles they have gone through.

Next stop was my wife’s favorite spot, Marina Cay. As bad as it was hit the folks have done great setting up a makeshift dining and bar area. Yes they even have a gift shop up on top of the hill. It felt great to join them for lunch and several cold drinks. The folks there were so happy to be able to work. They also serve diner. It may sound crazy but I felt good to spend my money with them knowing how important it was to them that we stopped in.

Next day we made it all the way over to Scrub, one of my favorites. The folks were very glad to see us there as well. The docks were in very good shape, power and water on the slips is still being restored but they were working hard there. Of course both pools were open as well as the upper pool bar. The staff was great. The small store was open but inventory was a fraction of before but I think that will change soon. A bunch of work going on there. We had a great meal at the restaurant.

Next stop was Jost. I was thrilled to see Sandy Spit is growing up out of the sea. What a site. We looked into Diamond Cay, Little Harbor, and then grabbed a ball in Great Harbor. Took the dinghy over to White Bay and enjoyed the afternoon at Hindo’s Hide Out and then sitting on the Beach people watching. It was fun to watch the excitement.

After that we stopped at West End to visit friends at the Voyage Boat Yard. Great to see the guys making progress getting some of their fleet back in the water. It may be a while before West End is up and running but I am sure it will be at some point. Our last couple days we spent at Norman. Always a favorite stop as that is where we rode out Hurricane Claus back in 84 or so.

Then back to The base at Penn’s where Imiloa calls home.

S/V Imiloa