We can all have our opinions and ideas but the fact of the matter is that we are basing our decisions on our home country. I would imagine that here in the USA if you sign a contract to rent your unit and you then fail to do so, the corporation would sue you for breach of contract. Likewise if you don't pay your insurance as required, you'd be sued for your portion. And I also read that some of the owners hadn't paid taxes in 10 years and in the US I would think the local government would put a tax lien on your property and potentially sell it from under you. Now in Florida if the homeowner is a member of a homeowners association and that homeowner fails to pay their dues, after appropriate notice the HOA can and some will foreclose on your property. Again these laws may not be on the books in the area where Club O is. After our 1st visit to the C/O beach this month, I for one, hope they can get this settled and rebuild.

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