I agree there are certainly always 2 sides to every story. I am a humanitarian volunteer for an organization that helps thousands of people every year. I usually volunteer at the temporary shelters put up for victims that need immediate help. Most victims are thankful, humble and appreciate everything the donors and volunteers do for them. However there are always a small group of people that never appreciate everything the volunteers and donors do, and always want more. They are the same group of people in every society that thinks certain things are always owed to them in life and not earned. After hearing the owners response, I believe that to be true about this same group, only because I have experienced this "group" of people in every part of the world. It's sad but unfortunately true that you can not make everyone happy and there will always be people that think everything is "owed" to them. In my experience, every successful business is only able to stay that way by how they treat their employees. Period. If this business is able to reopen and have staff to do so, it is probably because of their reputation and their employee's voices.