The general term for required nudity is "au natural".

I know exactly what you are talking about. I love clothing optional, but do not like the idea of "au natural". I think the idea of nude resorts is that you are free to not wear clothes. If they then enforce that you MUST not wear clothes, where has the freedom gone? My wife had a sunburn at Hedo II and was wearing a T-Shirt and no bottoms. Security made her remove it. Of course, later they had a wet t-shirt contest. Meanwhile, at Club O, you can wear as much or little as you want anywhere, anytime. N Resort claims to be "au natural", but most people dressed for dinner when we were there, so even resorts with the rule are often inconsistent. This is, BTW, from someone who did not dress for dinner...

Of course, I know why some prefer "au natural". They don't like being nude around others who are clothed. I can understand this. Being nude at Firefly made you stand out like a sore thumb. But, wearing a thong at Hedo where there are plenty of naked people about does not intimidate anyone, yet that very topic has led to online yelling matches that last for years.