We are here at RILP for two weeks as we rented the same two bedroom two bath unit from separate sources for back to back weeks. We had hoped to be at our timeshare and by the time we started looking for alternatives, BSV, our first choice, was booked for our dates. We will be moving there for four nights before we finally head home. We’re on the 5th floor here so the views are very nice. This morning there was a beautiful double rainbow and LOTS of planes going by.

Remember, peeps, we are not foodies as such but we do enjoy good meals wherever they’re found but sometimes a ham and cheese sandwich is just as enjoyable as a full course meal, depending on the ‘who’ and the ‘where’ and that certainly applies on SXM.

And Ed, no filters and did rent from Lesley but picked up the car here at RILP later instead of at the airport. We usually don’t do Italian here on the island - so many great Italian places at home but we will make exceptions for La Rosa Too or Sal and Pepe’s but that’s anout it for us.

Have a great day, Everyone.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat