Whatever their reasons were they are simply not acceptable. The one thing that makes St. Martin and Orient Beach a remarkable destination and one that so many of us return to year-after-year is the freedom and ability to do your own thing here. And, among the Caribbean destinations it stands alone, IMO. Whether you keep your swimsuit on or off at the beach, or when swimming, or when having lunch at the Perch, it's your choice. If anything, what's needed is even a more accepting approach to those who come down to see what the Club O. portion of Orient is all about. Cruise ship visitors and all. It's only natural for people to be curious and see what a clothing-optional beach is. Yes, people will giggle and even point, but when they see the fun and enjoyment so many of us have here a fair number of these folks will want to return and join-in. I cannot begin to tell you how many people over the years I have talked to at Kakao, Bikini, etc. that I have encouraged to give the clothing-optional experience a try. And, some people have taken me up on this and given it a try.

Let me share a recent story about Orient Beach, then I promise I'll exit from my 'soap box'. My wife and I were laying out in the first row of chairs on Bikini back in early March when I thought I heard someone calling out my name! "No way", I said to myself only to look up and see a woman I worked with about 15 years ago and her husband walking towards us. I leaned forward and sure enough it was who I thought it was, and I asked them to join us for a round of cold beers. They were on a Royal Caribbean cruise and had always heard about Orient Beach and decided to take a taxi up here to see what it was all about. I asked how they spotted me, and they indicated that they saw us crossing over 'the rocks' and walking past Kontiki where they were having lunch. So, they sought out to find us. And, find us they did. We spent about an hour with them, had some drinks, took a group selfie, and then they had to leave to get back to the port. It was a really nice experience.

Now, fast forward one month later to early April. I'm at a local supermarket and once again I hear my name being called out across the aisle. Sure enough, it was the husband (Mike) from our beach encounter and we stopped and chatted for about 10 minutes. As he approaches he jokes "I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on!" So, I asked him just where did he see my on Orient Beach? He smiles, and told me that he and his wife wanted to walk the clothing-optional beach, but they were reluctant to do so. And, they just weren't ready to discard their swimsuits at this time. I replied that's completely understandable, and that everyone has their own comfort level when it comes to this. I told him how awesome and liberating it is to do this, and when the time arrives they'll know it. He then says "can you let us know the next time you plan to visit St. Martin? My wife and I were actually talking about this when we got back, and we'd love to give it a try and join you guys if you are okay with this!" I replied "hell, ya" and proceeded to exchange phone numbers. Sorry this was so long, but reaching out to others with a positive approach and encouraging them to experience 'all' of Orient Beach is always the right move.