While standing in line for Southwest boarding it has always seemed less chaotic to me. People politely are asking "what number are you". Compare that to AA or JetBLue where everyone herds to the line as soon as their group is called. Even people who AREN'T in the group are crowding the line. That is where people are cutting each other off! I also disagree with your assessment of carryons. I saw people boarding AA who decided that they weren't going to carry their bag to the back of the plane so found a bin in the front. I actually heard a woman say "I'm leaving my bag here" and she walked many rows to the back. Ok, so now, people getting on have no room for their carryon in their bin so THEY have to go several rows back to find space and THEN fight the herd to get back to their seat. As you can imagine after several incidents like this our plane was late taking off. We barely made our connection. Not sure why people don't put their luggage in the bin at their seat or why some insist on putting small bags and coats in the overhead. Just my opinion. There is always a lot less confusion on Southwest as most I think check their bags. No matter the airline we always put our backpacks under the seat in front of us.

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