It may be a matter of getting older, but Sand Gravity seems to set in quicker now.

We had some breakfast 🍳 on the patio watching and listening to the waves. And yes, there were waves and white caps, same as this morning.

Decided to take the long circle drive around the Island to see the almost 2 yo aftermath of Irma. It was heartbreaking to see the French side, even 2 years later. I can’t even imagine what it had to have looked like.

Got back to BSV and decide to stroll down to El Zafiro for a “light” lunch. Had Ribs and Chicken. We enjoyed it. We did wait until after the Cruise Excursion folks had left.

Back to BSV for some pool time. Pool because it was a bit rough as I mentioned before. When it came to dinner, we decided we ate too late at lunch and had some Cheese, Crackers, Apples and Cocktails while watching and listening to the waves....anyone see a pattern here?

Today may be breakfast at SBYC and then who knows.

Happy Birthday America, and everyone enjoy and stay safe.

Rick and Grace