sail2wind said:
Twanger, since everyone has to check in the the dinghy taxi could be problematic

Evan - You are quite right of course! If you're doing C&I all must appear.

I was actually thinking for the day or two after check-in if they are just hanging around, what might work or not work to get crew ashore and hooked up with a taxi.

We have visited Cruz via the Caneel bay resort, but as a I said only part of the group - the rest remaining aboard.

If we're all going ashore we generally take a ball in Western Caneel and dingy south around the point. One can tie up opposite the Park Service building near the little bridge thingy (do not use their docks!!!) or alternately at the dingy docks at the ferry terminal. Either place we lock our dink and have had no issues. Western Caneel is a bit rolly due to ferry boat traffic. Ok on a cat, but a monohull can get to rockin'.

I've never tried to land crew at Trunk, Cinnamon or Maho with the intention of them catching a taxi to town, but maybe it's doable.