Oh you MUST do Provence! We did it from Marsalis as independent bus trip on a cruise stop a few years ago.
Our friends just were there a couple of weeks ago... Before they joined us in Split and Croatia for a one week sail on the Dalmatian coast. We’re in Salzburg now, after a few days in Munich after the sailing trip. Great couple of weeks so far.

Trying to figure where to sail next!

We did the Normandy experience a few years ago. Another good friend of mine was in Normandy just this May. He spent four days. Which I think is too long. You can do it in one or two days and still get a great appreciation for it. Especially now, 75 years later.

Last edited by jphart; 07/18/2019 04:37 PM.

I spent my money on booze, broads, and boats...the rest I wasted.